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Consultant naturalist Irshad Mobarak taps Desaru Coast’s potential as destination for responsible ecotourism.

By: Anandhi Gopinath | 16 May 2022 - 10:11am
He is rewilding the entire development and encouraging wild flora and fauna ...

Don’t blame Mother Nature: apathy is the real killer.

By Elena Koshy - December 25, 2022 @ 10:15am THE thunderous rumble cut through the silence and all hell broke ...

Rebel with a (green) cause

By Intan Maizura Ahmad Kamal - October 30, 2022 @ 9:31am YAK. Yak. Yak. The sound of a loud staccato ...

The Datai Langkawi rolls out new nature experiences and upgraded facilities

By TTG Asia/ Posted on 11 April, 2022 15:06
The Datai Langkawi in Malaysia has developed a number of fresh ...


Authored by Frog and Wolf PR
Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2022 - 00:00 Passionate experts in their field share tips and ...

Proposed Langkawi hill resort may endanger langurs’ habitat: naturalist

Primate already classified as endangered
Published on 04 Mar 2022 7:00AM
BY Ian McIntyre Malaysian naturalist Irshad Mobarak alleged that the landowners ...

Andaman blaze: 80% of luxury resort gutted

Resort consumed by 24-hour fire, aided by strong winds, flammable materials Published on 14 Jan 2021 8:00PM BY Ian McIntyre ...

It’s no act of God, humans caused Kedah floods, NGOs tell Takiyuddin

They say land clearing, development and increase in greenhouse gases causing change in weather patterns. Minderjeet Kaur - 21 Sep ...

Langkawi’s Datai, the epicenter of natural beauty and breathtaking opulence

By Elena Koshy - September 19, 2021 @ 9:16am IT seems like almost a lifetime ago that I was walking ...

How a New Generation of Malaysian Chefs Is Evolving the Nation’s Multicultural Cuisine

by By Jeff Chu & Jonathan Andrus 02-Mar-2021 Malaysian food was fusion cooking before foodies started using the word. Take, ...